2013년 2월 21일 목요일

Essay Outline: Differences Between North and South Korean Language

Topic: Differences between South and North Korean language

1. Introduction
- learning some North Korean language at the Korean language class in my middle school
- watching other students laughing when they heard a certain North Korean word
ex. eouleumbosungi (=ice cream)
2. Why is North Korean language so different from South Korean language?
- normally, language develops slowly; small changes accumulate for a long time
- Korea was divided into North and South in 1948, partitioned for 65 years 
-> a time too short for a language with such difference to form
- the North Korean government deliberately altered North Korean language
ex. eliminating Chinese characters, Juche idea
3. Effects that the difference between North and South Korean language might cause
- North Korean defectors, whose number is continuously increasing today, can face problems in adapting to South Korean society because of their North-Korean accent and vocabulary
- traditionally language is used as a sign of kinship; when North and South Korean language differs, North and South Koreans would lose the sense that they were once a same ethnic group
- North and South Koreans might not be able to understand what the other one is saying when the language difference between North and South Korea increases
4. My thoughts?
- I think that the North Korean government is using language to brainwash people; the intention behind the North Korean language is neither pure nor natural, but it is political
- worried about North and South Koreans losing a sense of unity

[TEDX] North and South: A love story?

There is a love story going on between Israel and Iran, which is quite ironic. These two countries had been very hostile to each other because they fought for a long time. Even though the event seems ironic, it succeeded anyway. This peace movement spread out from the boundaries of Israel and Iran, and led to the formation of numerous facebook pages claiming that country A loves country B. Therefore, the Israeli graphic designer Ronny Edry, who first started the "We love you" movement, was able to talk at TED.

The question I was interested in was whether this movement can be applied to South Korea and North Korea. When I saw the video, I thought that this kind of movement cannot happen between South and North Korea because North Koreans do not have access to social networking systems, which played a crucial role in spreading the "love story" between Israel and Iran. In fact, most North Koreans do not have access to the Internet, and even though one North Korean was able to go into the Internet, he would be only possible to see pages that have gone through severe censorship. Therefore, even though South Koreans send many photos containing the message "South Korea loves North Korea," the majority of North Koreans would not be able to receive that message.

North Koreans' limited access to South Korean messages is not the only problem. North Koreans are educated in a system that depicts South Korea and the US as the axis of evil. For example, when a North Korean child was asked "What do you want to say to the president of South Korea?", he answered "The president of South Korea should stop slaughtering South Korean people." Moreover, the North Korean government regularly opens a lecture criticizing South Korea. Because most North Koreans are brainwashed by the North Korean government, North Koreans may not see the South Korean "love letters" as it is, but see as if these letters have a virulent purpose.

But it is too early to put down the hope of making a love story between South Korea and North Korea. The significance of the movement between Israel and Iran is that it formed a warm emotional bridge between Israelis and Iranians and made the people of both countries capable to think independently, without being influenced by their government. Today, more and more North Koreans are not believing North Korean propaganda as they know more and more about real South Korea. In the future, the love story between South and North Korea may come true.

2013년 2월 7일 목요일

Current Issue: Luxurious marriage in Korea

Traditionally, marriage was a ceremony which two people from two different families meet and form a single family. However, some marriages today are conducted in a very extravagant way and these marriages are causing a problem. For example, some couples break when it comes to marriage because one side is too burdened from providing too many goods to the other family. One TV program in Korea showed that marriages conducted in Chungdamdong (청담동), a famous wealthy village in Korea, is too extravagant.

movement for cheap wedding
Getting married in South Korea? Bring a lot of cash!

Happy Birthday Roommate:)