2013년 2월 21일 목요일

Essay Outline: Differences Between North and South Korean Language

Topic: Differences between South and North Korean language

1. Introduction
- learning some North Korean language at the Korean language class in my middle school
- watching other students laughing when they heard a certain North Korean word
ex. eouleumbosungi (=ice cream)
2. Why is North Korean language so different from South Korean language?
- normally, language develops slowly; small changes accumulate for a long time
- Korea was divided into North and South in 1948, partitioned for 65 years 
-> a time too short for a language with such difference to form
- the North Korean government deliberately altered North Korean language
ex. eliminating Chinese characters, Juche idea
3. Effects that the difference between North and South Korean language might cause
- North Korean defectors, whose number is continuously increasing today, can face problems in adapting to South Korean society because of their North-Korean accent and vocabulary
- traditionally language is used as a sign of kinship; when North and South Korean language differs, North and South Koreans would lose the sense that they were once a same ethnic group
- North and South Koreans might not be able to understand what the other one is saying when the language difference between North and South Korea increases
4. My thoughts?
- I think that the North Korean government is using language to brainwash people; the intention behind the North Korean language is neither pure nor natural, but it is political
- worried about North and South Koreans losing a sense of unity

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