2013년 6월 29일 토요일

English Composition I

The first semester of my junior year ended last Saturday, after I finished my AP Macroeconomics exam. After the test, I enjoyed the end of the semester for 10 minutes, and I cleaned the sink in my room. Then, I was too busy going back to my home. 

After arriving at my home, I tried to remember what I did at the 1st semester. I couldn't remember. I was too focused on the final exams; I abandoned everything except for studying during the exam period. I felt the futility of the 1st semester and tried to remember what I did during the semester. I first remembered what I did with my friends. I realized that there were many good people in KMLA. Then I thought about what I studied. Most subjects were focused on studying new concepts, so these subjects did not teach me many things. However, some subjects were focused on applications of various skills, such as the English composition class. In this class, I and many other students continuously applied their writing skills and creative ideas to write many essays. I thought that remembering what I did in English composition class would be a fun experience.

Because I did not perfectly remember what I did, I first looked at my blog. There were 10 posts published. The first post was not really an essay because it was simply a birthday card to my roommate. Then I wrote some posts about current issues and North Korea. I did not like writing these posts because I had a mysterious hatred towards current issues. I cannot explain why, but I did not like these topics. But writing a paper about the difference between North and South Korean language was interesting. Although I already knew that North and South Korean language were different, writing a paper about this topic gave me the opportunity to explore more about it. 

Then I posted my in-class essay titled "Caught in an Egg." This essay was based on my past experience. I thought whether I should write about this because it was my secret for many years. But I decided to write the event that happened when I was 5 years old, and I stated that this experience caught me for a long time. I also felt that deciding to write about this topic itself was an action breaking the egg. Then the class were divided into groups and each group debunked one myth. Our group debunked the camel cricket myth, which is a  myth that prevailed several months ago. I originally believed in the myth, but I realized that the camel cricket was not as dangerous to humans as I previously thought. Each of our group members posted a prezi debunking the myth in their blogs. After debunking the myth, I posted an essay about my new name, which was a "cusp." When I wrote my name to be a cusp, everyone laughed, and someone said that the name was an ode to Mr. Hinde. However, I really considered my name to be a cusp because I thought that my life would be full of cusp-like epiphanies. I liked writing this essay because thinking about my name required thinking about myself.

The last thing I did in this class was writing a metafiction. Before writing a metafiction, our class did chain writing. Each student started to write an essay, and after a certain time, the paper was passed to the person next to the student. Some essays started fine but ended hilariously. I started to write a poem about the tardigrade. After I got my paper back, I was satisfied because the poem really looked like a poem about the tardigrade. I also liked the twist at the end of the poem. I posted this tardigrade poem on my blog and I wrote a metafiction about it. In the metafiction, the tardigrade is used as a metaphor for "eternal truth", and the metafiction is a story of a genius called Arthur Strauss searching for eternal truth. Because he is a genius, he temporarily finds the tardigrade in several fields, but he fails to permanently find the tardigrade. At the end of the metafiction, he realizes that the tadigrade is impossible to be found by an individual and that the tardigrade should be gradually found. After realizing the nature of the tardigrade, the genius dies and his son reads his father's epitaph. Then his son sees the tardigrade for a second.

Through the English composition class, I realized that essay writing could be fun. In my freshmen year, I thought that essays were boring because I mostly wrote argumentative essays. However, in this class, I wrote various types of essays like the metafiction, and wrote essays about many fun topics. This class did not feel like a rigid essay class, but like a fun, interactive class that uses the essay as a method of communication.

댓글 1개:

  1. Thanks for not trashing my "curriculum" (or lack thereof). I've wondered if I was "too easy" on you guys compared to other writing classes I've done in the past, but I think the material we covered was suitable. It is hard to decide what is suitable. Teachers know you guys are busy, but we also want to challenge you and stimulate "something." If you can remember something you write in this class 5 years from now, then it was worth while. Hope to teach you again!


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